Wednesday, June 13, 2012

words for your wednesday

Lately I've noticed that my Twitter stream is a bit congested, so last night I randomly decided to clean up the list of people I'm following. To do so I basically had to go through a long list of the people I follow with their avatars and their bios, and decide whether I wanted to continue following them or not.  As I went over them I read just about everyone's bio out of curiosity, and over and over I saw the same words: founder of. Founder of this awesome tech startup, this non-profit, this website for pictures of puppies napping. And then the words just popped into my head: I want to be founder of something. And while that is a bit specific, the meaning behind it is pretty broad. I want to create something all my own, something worthwhile. You never know, one day soon you just might see founder of in my Twitter bio.

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